By Yared Gizaw The Oromo extremist elites have repeatedly told us that their vision for Ethiopia is as follows: Option 1: Recreate/restructure Ethiopia under the domination of Oromos’ in which: – Oromo language and culture to be dominant with “Wake Fatah” as dominant religion. – New name and flag for Ethiopia – Addis Ababa (Finfine) the…

An Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) Proposal

Ethiopia stands at a crossroads, once again. But this time the prospects facing it are much more starkly contrasting than during past instances of change. If it is put on one course of change, achieving a final breakthrough to a common democratic future looks distinctly promising. If such a course is blocked or not pursued…

‎አዲስ አባባ‬ ስለምን ታወዛግባለች?

‪አዲስአባባ‬ ስለምን ታወዛግባለች? ‪በዘላለምክብረት‬ ሕሩይ ሚናስ አስደናቂ ሰው ነው፡፡ የገበሬ ልጅ፣ በአስራዎቹ መጨረሻ አዲስ አበባ የገባ፡፡ ከዛም የአብነት ተማሪ ሆነና ቅዳሴና ቅኔ ሞካከረ፡፡ እሱ አልሆን ሲለው ጎዳና ወጥቶ ጎዳና አዳሪ ሆነ፡፡ ቀጠለና የለማኝ መሪ (sighted guide) ሆነ፡፡ እሱም ሲያልፍ ‹ለምን አልማርም?› ብሎ ትምህርት ተማረና ዩንቨርሲቲ በገባ በዓመቱ ‹ማርክሲስት› ሆነ፡፡ ትምህርቱንም ለአቢዮቱ ሲባል ተወውና መፅሃፍ ነጋዴ…

Ethiopian History 101: Fiction Vs. Facts on Oromos of Ethiopia

(a guide for foreign journalists on Oromos and Ethiopian history) By Prof. Feqadu Lamessa for Salem-News.com ADAMA, Ethiopia (Salem-News) – Recently, the Qatar-based media al Jazeera has published several articles concerning the Oromo people of Ethiopia. It is the first international media outlet to extensively report on our people and it should be praised for bringing our cause…