Why Do Ethiopians Trivialize Truth and Tolerate Lies?

By Tedla Woldeyohannes (PhD)* We do not need to dwell on various theories of truth (there are several) in order to make progress with the issues I am interested to address in this piece. [I make use of the idea of truth as correspondence without comparing it to other theories since it is the most…

Why is the Ethiopian diaspora so influential?

Africa Ethiopians across the world have been protesting   During a year of anti-government protests throughout Ethiopia, its global diaspora, particularly that in the US, has been deeply involved – and not just vocally, writes Addis Ababa-based journalist James Jeffrey. Twitter and Facebook have been blocked since a six-month state of emergency was imposed last…

Why Ethiopian migrants brave illegal crossings again – and again

Ethiopia is one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, but that hasn’t stopped the outflow of migrants, underscoring the challenges countries face in trying to stem what were record levels of migration globally in 2014. By Will Davison, Correspondent Bilal Hussein/A ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA — Among the young Ethiopian entrepreneurs idly sipping coffee near their shops in…