The Intricately Carved Tiya Megaliths of Ethiopia

By M R Reese The Tiya stones are part of an archaeological site located in central Ethiopia, in an area known as the Gurage Zone. The 46 large, decorated Tiya megaliths have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Although the construction of such megaliths is an ancient tradition in Ethiopia, the Tiya stones are…

100 African Cities Destroyed By Europeans: WHY there are seldom historical buildings and monuments in sub-Saharan Africa!

By: Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN Silicon Africa When tourists visit sub-Saharan Africa, they often wonder “Why there are no historical buildings or monuments?” The reason is simple. Europeans have destroyed most of them. We have only left drawings and descriptions by travelers who have visited the places before the destructions. In some places, ruins are still visible.…

Why are there Swastika symbols on Lalibela churches in Ethiopia?

The Swastika and the Suavastika Crosses Alternative names: Bent Cross Buddhist Cross Crooked Cross Cross Gurgity Crux Gammata Fylfot Gamma Cross Gammadion Cross German Cross Hakaristi Hakenkreuz Hakenkruis Hooked Cross Khas Manji Nazi Cross Pērkonkrusts Rotating Cross Spinning Cross Suavastika Swastika Tetraskelion Wheel of the Dharma. Swastika Swastika The Suavastika Suavastika This is a religious…

Does Assab Belongs to Ethiopia or Eritrea?

By VOA NEWS FORMER U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen said he wanted to set the record straight about his recommendation during the 1991 London Conference on Ethiopia, Eritrea and Port Assab. He said he did not say the port belongs to Ethiopia, contrary to what some in Ethiopia had attributed…

10 Of The Deadliest Weapons In The World

By Lauren Hamilton, The Richest There are more dangerous things than an angry woman, believe it or not. Beyond guns, you’d be surprised to learn which weapons can do the most damage. Perhaps it’s our obsession with Forensic Files or just being a curious bunch, but we decided to put together a list for all of…

The Top Ten Human Evolution Discoveries from Ethiopia

BuzzEthiopia Home to Lucy, Ardi, the oldest stone tools, the first fossils of modern humans and many other discoveries, Ethiopia deserves the title of Cradle of Humankind By Erin Wayman SMITHSONIAN.COM  Ethiopia may well deserve the title Cradle of Humankind. Some of the most famous, most iconic hominid fossils have been discovered within the country’s…

Countries as Named in Their Own Languages

By Arika Okrent The Afternoon Map IMAGE CREDIT: ENDONYMMAP.COM Countries are called by different names depending on who’s doing the calling. Is it The United States of America or Les États-Unis? Deutschland or Germany? A country’s own name for itself is called an endonym, and at you can find a map of the world’s endonyms. The…