Why South Africa let Bashir get away

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir [AFP] A provisional court order was issued on Sunday to prevent Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir from leaving South Africa where he had been attending the African Union (AU) summit. This provision catapulted South Africa into the heat of the international news media’s spotlight. Regardless of the effectiveness of this court order, the…

Mastermind: The Evil Genius Behind The Migrant Crisis

By Alex Perry , Connie Agius , Newsweek It is a sunny morning in April 2015 on Sicily’s east coast and Mount Etna is a postcard, rising from a green-blue sea up through olive groves, orange orchards and steep hill towns to ascend a towering snowy cone ringed by cotton-wool clouds. But in the centre of this…

Why You Should Google Yourself Now

By Kim Komando, Komando (Photo: AP) Ever wonder what’s online about you? Do you know how to really look in all the Internet’s crevices? A simple Google search of someone’s name can turn up all kinds of things that most folks don’t want public. It might be embarrassing photos, an old message they forgot about or…

What Should We Do If The Islamic State Wins?

BY STEPHEN M. WALT, Foreign Policy It’s time to ponder a troubling possibility: What should we do if the Islamic State wins? By “wins,” I don’t mean it spreads like wildfire throughout the Muslim world, eventually establishing a caliphate from Baghdad to Rabat and beyond. That’s what its leaders say they are going to do, but…

​God’s 12 Biggest Dick Moves in the Old Testament

By Rob Bricken, Gawker 1 Before Jesus arrived and his divine father chilled out, the Old Testament God was, ironically, kind of a hellraiser. He was not a nice guy. He really liked killing people. And he may have actually been insane, if his willingness to randomly murder devout worshippers like Moses was any indication. Here are…

The Brutal Dictatorship The World Keeps Ignoring

By Adam Taylor , The Washington Post Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki listens as he meets with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir during his official visit in Khartoum, June 11, 2015. (REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah) On Monday, the United Nations released the results of a year-long investigation into human rights in Eritrea. What it found was horrific. Detailing “systematic, widespread and…

Geopolitical Showdown in the Horn

Recently, two major developments in Somalia and Djibouti have attracted international media attention. John Kerry became the first U.S. Secretary of State to visit Mogadishu, while China has negotiated the construction of a military base in the strategic port of Djibouti. These two “symbolic” and substantive developments represent both an opportunity and a challenge for the U.S.…

Gayle Smith the liaison between the CIA and Meles Zenawi

Commentary: Mesfin Wolde-Mariam Gayle Smith came to Addis with the Weyyane. She was even pretending to speak Tigrigna. It was very clear then that she, together with Paul Henze, were CIA agents who came to install The Weyyane in power. They have succeeded immensely. They do not know the Ethiopian people! By Thomas C. Mountain Online…