What ISIS Really Wants?

Graeme Wood is a contributing editor at The Atlantic. His personal site is gcaw.net. The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it. What…

These are the 12 worst Ideas Religion has Unleashed on the World

By VALERIE TARICO, ALTERNET Le sacrifice d’Abraham (Matthias Stom) Some of humanity’s technological innovations are things we would have been better off without: the medieval rack, the atomic bomb and powdered lead potions come to mind. Religions tend to invent ideas or concepts rather than technologies, but like every other creative human enterprise, they produce some…

Sisi Goes to Addis Ababa

By ALEX DE WAAL, NYTimes Credit Anthony Russo On one of the last occasions an Egyptian president visited Addis Ababa, he got no further than the road from the airport: In 1995 the motorcade of President Hosni Mubarak came under fire from Egyptian jihadists. Mr. Mubarak was saved by his bulletproof car, his driver’s skill and…

The Koran Does Not Forbid Images of the Prophet

BY CHRISTIANE GRUBER, Newsweek The Charlie Hebdo killers were operating under a misapprehension. TOPKAPI PALACE LIBRARY In the wake of the massacre that took place in the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, I have been called upon as a scholar specializing in Islamic paintings of the Prophet to explain whether images of Muhammad are banned in…

100 African Cities Destroyed By Europeans: WHY there are seldom historical buildings and monuments in sub-Saharan Africa!

By: Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN Silicon Africa When tourists visit sub-Saharan Africa, they often wonder “Why there are no historical buildings or monuments?” The reason is simple. Europeans have destroyed most of them. We have only left drawings and descriptions by travelers who have visited the places before the destructions. In some places, ruins are still visible.…

Why are there Swastika symbols on Lalibela churches in Ethiopia?

The Swastika and the Suavastika Crosses Alternative names: Bent Cross Buddhist Cross Crooked Cross Cross Gurgity Crux Gammata Fylfot Gamma Cross Gammadion Cross German Cross Hakaristi Hakenkreuz Hakenkruis Hooked Cross Khas Manji Nazi Cross Pērkonkrusts Rotating Cross Spinning Cross Suavastika Swastika Tetraskelion Wheel of the Dharma. Swastika Swastika The Suavastika Suavastika This is a religious…