By Achamyeleh Tamiru Here is ሽግግሩ-ከአንዱ-የመከራ-አዙሪት-ወጥተን-በአይነቱ-ልዩ-ወደሆነ-ሌላ-የመከራ-አዙሪት-የምንዘፈቅበት-ወይንስ-ከታሪካዊ-ችግሮቻችን-የምንገላገልበት on Transition and Constitution Making in Post-Conflict Ethiopia.
By Achamyeleh Tamiru Here is ሽግግሩ-ከአንዱ-የመከራ-አዙሪት-ወጥተን-በአይነቱ-ልዩ-ወደሆነ-ሌላ-የመከራ-አዙሪት-የምንዘፈቅበት-ወይንስ-ከታሪካዊ-ችግሮቻችን-የምንገላገልበት on Transition and Constitution Making in Post-Conflict Ethiopia.
የኢትዮጵያ ቤተ ክርስቲያን በግራ ዘመም እና መሠረተ-ጎሳ በሆኑ የአገራችን የፖለቲካ አስተሳሰቦች ዘንድ በጠላትነት እንደምትፈረጅ የአደባባይ ምሥጢር ነው። በዚህ ረገድ የሕወሐት የ40 ዓመት ፖለቲካ እና በኦነግ እና ከዚያም በኋላ በተነሡ የኦሮሞ ፖለቲካ አራማጆች ዘንድ ያለው አመለካከት ተጠቃሽ ነው። እነዚህ የፖለቲካ አስተሳሰቦች ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን በጠላትነት የፈረጁበትን ዝርዝር ጉዳይ ለጊዜው ብናቆየው እና በኦሮሞ ልሒቃን አካባቢ የሚጠቀሰውን አንድ መጽሐፍ…
By Peter Vale Professor of Humanities and the Director of the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS), University of Johannesburg University of Johannesburg US President elect Donald Trump greets supporters on election night in New York. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst Africa is likely to slide down the list of foreign policy priorities of a Donald Trump administration. This…
By Mark Anderson and Nicholas Norbrook | The Africa Report Donald Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States. Here’s what his presidency could mean for Africa: Slowing economic growth Africa’s economies are already struggling with the downturn. If Trump’s nationalist rhetoric on trade is translated into action, expect, “a global recession, with…
By Geleta Gammo ብሎክቼይን ማለት በመሰረቱ ያልተማከለ የመረጃ መዝገብ ነው። በዚህ የመረጃ መዝገብ ላይ የሚመዘገቡ ነገሮች ሁሉ 1፣ ያልተማከለ ነው። ማለት፣ አንድ መረጃ በብሎክቼይን ላይ ሲመዘገብ የመረጃው ቅጂ ከብሎክቼይኑ ጋር በተያያዙ በሚሊዮኖች በሚቆጠሩ ኮምፑተሮች ሁሉ ላይ ይቀመጣል። ይህ ማለት መረጃው ሊጠፋ አይችልም። ምሳሌ1፣ በስሜ የተመዘገበ የቤት ካርታ ቢኖረኝና ይህንን ብሎክቼይን ላይ ባስመዘግብ ያ የኔን ስም…
By Solomon Regassa Views may differ about the nature and magnitude of the problems we are facing, but everybody agrees that this is no ordinary time in Ethiopia. Changes of varying depth and width are being proposed and promised by different actors. Some of the propositions stand on opposite ends of the spectrum. The Government…
Summary On October 9, 2016, the Ethiopian government announced a country-wide six-month state of emergency. This followed a year of widespread protests against government policies that state security forces violently suppressed, killing hundreds of people and detaining tens of thousands. [1] Protesters also committed a number of attacks on government buildings and private businesses perceived…
Clinton Foundation aide says ‘unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do’ By Brendan Kirby A top Clinton Foundation official expressed reservations about former President Bill Clinton contacting a Saudi Arabian and Ethiopian billionaire to thank him for offering a plane ride to Ethiopia — unless it would…
In a recent interview with The Intercept, Edward Snowden offered some advice for what average citizens can do to reclaim their privacy. Because the sharing of information should be a conversation, not an enigma buried in a site’s ‘Terms of Service.’ 1. This includes Signal, an easy-to-use app that encrypts your mobile phone messages, as…